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Do I Really Need to Care About My Privacy Online?

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I have seen people fretting over their login details and passwords and I know it’s not safe to divulge those details, but I keep telling them that they always set double verification processes for things like that.

Hope I am not giving them a piece of wrong Tech Information?


1 Answer

  1. First, you are creating a problem for them. They must always make conscious effort to maintain online security no matter how to insignificant their task online is.

    It’s bad if someone steals your password or credit card information, but a lot of people are a lot more apathetic about what they put on Facebook, their personal blog, or anywhere else.

    Your data is worth protecting, though, whether you think so or not. Not only does that data give companies and governments more power to track you, but it can make it easier for someone to steal your identity, even if it doesn’t seem like it. Plus, you never know where that data may end up one day, and who might see it (potential employers, for instance).

    Some stuff is more important, of course, but don’t let the little stuff slide just because you don’t think anyone will care. Somebody probably does.

    Stay Safe Online!..

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