It occurred to me that people who use left hands are different from their right-handed counterparts.
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First, we need to establish the fact that people who predominantly use their left hands are south-pawed people. And a lot of things are special to them, without demeaning the right-handed folks.
Left-handed or sinistral people wonder why the world is oriented towards right-handed or dextral people. There is no answer to this question, however, do not try to switch yourself or your child to being dextral. Being sinistral is not a bane, neither is it a defect. Most African parents try to switch their wards to being dextral when they discover they are sinistral.
The good part of the gist is that being left-handed has its own advantages.
It is scientifically proven that your right-hand is controlled by your left brain, while your left hand is controlled by your right brain (there are juicy traits on the right brain, not as more on the left brain though)
So, start making use of your left hand or otherwise.