Being fat, to many people, is more of a bane than a blessing.
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This is a dicey question to answer about fat people; mostly, people with a round face, fist and wrist belong to the group of fat people. They are a very special kind of people. But there are few facts about them I would like to mention. Being fat is something I really look forward to, but, the stress involved is not worthy of emulation.
First, unapologetically, fat people do not like doing things that would inconvenient them. They are not cut-out for rigorous exercise and strenuous activity. They always like to be stationary and by inferring, kind of lazy. Reading is one of their parallel traits. They do not like to read
Also, fat people are the lovable kind of humans. They know how to get people to do things they want. In business, a smart fat person makes a good salesman/woman. They know too well how to compel and make people do things they want.
In conclusion, they love to eat. A fat person can do anything for his/her pleasure. They could go extra miles to ensure they are happy and healthy. In addition, fat people are very generous, they are not tight-fisted. These are the few things I can say about fat people.