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Why Do I Need to Keep Resetting My Router?

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The most annoying thing anyone can face online is having to waste internet downloading a file only for it hang on because of unstable internet.

I have experienced this so often, the router will just stop browsing unless you reset it. What is responsible for this, please?


1 Answer

  1. This is a very common problem with routers.

    Your internet gets slow, so you unplug your router, plug it back in, and all of a sudden it’s magically working again. But why does this happen, really?

    It could be a number of things:

    • maybe it’s overheating,
    • maybe it’s getting bogged down from too much traffic (like BitTorrent), or
    • maybe it’s just a crappy router.

    One common way to ease these constant network fluctuations is to make sure you reset it once in a while and wait for 10 seconds minimum when you unplug it before you put it on again. My colleague made me realise it helps the router to reconnect to the server as a fresh connection.

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