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Can one still find true love?

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  1. Is it possible to still find someone who genuinely loves you, with no selfish interests

6 Answers

  1. Can one still find true love?
    Depends on your definition of true love! Coz growing up true love was defined as agape, the type Godhas for me his daughter so based on that yeah I can find true love, in short I have found true love.
    But for reals, yes true love is possible, except you don’t fall into it, you walk with your eyes open. Love is a choice, its seeing the flaws, the weakness, the pain and still choosing them, I guess that’s what true love is about.
    So yeah one can still find true love in this day and age.

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  2. Well I guess so, just love is umm, requires two people which need to understand each other and love.
    You never really know when one person is goan back out, else there wouldn’t be heart breaks, and doesn’t necessarily mean the person does not love you.

    Sometimes, stuffs happens, I guess….
    But a long lasting and true love? Well, hood luck bruh! Invite me to the wedding! Lolz

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  3. Yes it’s possible to still find true love.
    If one can love him/her self first and trust his partner with his/her heart and believing the other partner really loves them.
    Actually love it’s self it risk so one should not wait for the other person to show love, you also should show genuine love without fear,doubt and coldness.
    There are things that to look out when it comes to true love.
    5.the five later words SORRY
    6.The last but not the least GOD.
    Everyone should pray for his/her partner so we can grow in perfection.
    Never keep up true just believe you’ll find someone who loves and someone who’ll appreciate your love.

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  4. Definitely you still can. But you must look for God love first and after which, u have love for ever. Though its hard to believe and seems impossible especially in this our time, but only in God can u first find it, even Bible said God is love. So when u are inGod, u have love and that love spreads and help u realize genuine and true love in God and others

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  5. True love is still very much possible… Not being in a rush to enter into relationships would help you avoid falling a victim of people who are after their selfish interest.

    A good sense of discernment and observation would help too.

    True love is possible, it is only rare because what men understand as love today isn’t love…

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  6. Love is a mutual contractual agreement between two parties who have opted to forgive and understand each other, regardless.
    If you can have a genuine love within you, life should give you the “true love” you desire

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