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How can I add Currency signs on Microsoft Word/Power Point?

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I have been working on this document on Microsoft and I find it difficult adding a currency sign in the document.

Any ideas on how I can go about it?


3 Answers

  1. This answer was edited.

    Funny I just helped a colleague get this a few hours ago.

    Things you need to know, I will use the Pound as an example:

    • £ symbol is easy on a UK keyboard but for other keyboards, there’s no specific key for Pound.
    • Pound is used for British Pounds Sterling and also other ‘pound’ currencies like the Egyptian Pound.
    • Most currencies like Pound can look different in your Microsoft Word. They can be affected by the fonts. Some are plain with equal line widths, other more ornate with serifs, loops or even a double horizontal line.
    • They are gotten by codes as well.


    Here are the steps to follow to insert a currency symbol

    1. To get other currencies, you just have to click on the space where you want to add the currency
    2. Look up in the options above, you will see these options in this order. File, Home, Insert and other Options.
    3. Click on insert, it will bring a drop-down option for you.
    4. At the right-hand end of your screen [facing your computer screen], you will see Equipment and Symbol at the end of your screen.
    5. Click on symbol and select the currency of your choice.

    I hope this helps in subsequent usage of MS Word.

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