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How can I save effectively?

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An old lady says “a penny earned is a penny saved”

It is a good culture to save


1 Answer

  1. As much as it is important to save some money for the rainy day, it could also be difficult at some point.

    However the following would help you become an effective money saved.

    1. Keep track of your expenses: Have a rough estimate on how much you spend on bills, entertainment and all other personal or family expenses. This would give you an idea on how much you earn and need to save
    2. Have a budget for saving: Once you have kept track of how much you spend, you can easily cut out a chunk towards savings, say 10-15% of your income. It’s really up to you.
    3. Cut your spending: Ensure you avoid spree spending. Try to reduce spending money on wants instead of needs. Your needs are important but your wants might not be important. Ensure you cut too much spending on entertainment and others. Cook more than buying food or junks. Cooking saves you a fortune
    4. Set a saving goal: What would you do with the money you’re saving? Having a plan to spend the money you are saving makes your saving urgent and paramount. Have a target you’re saving towards; buy a car, buy a new phone, Masters degree, vacation abroad. Have a plan
    5. Pick the right tools: Saving could be stressful if you do not have an automatic saving method. A platform like piggyvest would allow you save automatically even when you’re offline. This would make you avoid the excuse of “I forgot to save for this week/month”
    6. Watch your saving grow: This would help you keep record of your progress in saving at the end of the month/year.

    Saving can save you in the future. Cultivate the habit of saving.

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