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Is being an over achiever [highly influential] relatively bad?

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I have heard people say that being overly ambitious is bad, that it makes you take advantage of people’s weaknesses around you.

I find it hard to wrap my head around it, does anyone share the same opinion with me that its totally safe?


1 Answer

  1. Honestly, I do not see any wrong in wanting the best for yourself but not at the pain of someone actually. Working your way up diligently gives a sense of fulfilment and gives you the opportunities to learn lives’ lesson.

    Sometimes we find ourselves at crossroads when we pull our thoughts behind we tend to questions and our inactions. Instead of being in regrets, we can solve the problems at hand by sincerely answering these questions.

    Why not?  What would happen if…?

    Don’t accept that things just are the way they are thinking there will not be consequences in the long run.  Most of the time, It is expedient to question why somethings can’t be done and why they’re being done.  And when you get pushbacks to these questions, reframe the negative answers with possibilities.

    What/Who did you make better today?

    The way to measure your worth may just be to give more than you take.  Asking what/who you made better each day is a simple litmus test we can all measure ourselves by. It helps us be more appreciative of the efforts people put to make us better.

    What do you want your life to be in 5 years?

    If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there – Lewis Carroll.  Write down 5-year goals.  They’re close enough to grasp for, yet far off enough to achieve almost anything.

    What can you do today to improve?

    Just know that Consistency, incremental improvement has and will still be the secret to achieving the greatest of feats.

    Hope it clarifies issues.

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