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What are the benefits of drinking water?

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Water is known as the universal solvent. I know it’s not applicable to the above, but water is life and without it, nothing survives


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    This, I believe, is a good question to ask, more especially this dry season period where there is a tendency of dehydration (This, according to Merriam Webster dictionary, is an abnormal depletion of the body fluids)

    It is medically advised to have at least 8 glasses of water in a day, to help with digestion and healthy living. My mom would usually say drinking a lot of water helps dilute the concentration of sickness in your blood streams, hence, taking water often helps you stay more healthy and less sickly.

    Fast facts on drinking water

    • Adult humans are 60 percent water, and our blood is 90 percent water.
    • There is no universally agreed quantity of water that must be consumed daily.
    • Water is essential for the kidneys and other bodily functions.
    • When dehydrated, the skin can become more vulnerable to skin disorders and wrinkling.
    • Drinking water instead of soda can help with weight loss.

    Benefits of drinking water

    1. It reduces chances of friction between your joints. When you are dehydrated, your joints tend to pain you, since cartilage, present in the joint, contains 80% water.
    2. It contains saliva and mucus . Saliva helps in digestion and drinking water replenishes saliva.
    3. It transmits Oxygen throughout the body. The blood is 90% water and carries Oxygen to the body parts
    4. It enhances skin health and beauty. You can tell that your skin would always be rough if your water level/intake is low.
    5. It help maintain the body temperature. “Some scientists have suggested  that when there is little water in the body, heat storage increases and the individual is less able to tolerate heat strain.” Drinking a lot of water helps balance the body heat.
    6. It removes body waste. No doubt we all know hat the body has wastes and they need to be carried out of the body. Water aids or fastens this process.
    7. It prevent kidney damage. Some kidney disease like “kidney stone” and others are cured by taking water in large quantity. Water helps dilute or breakdown the too-hard to filter substances in the kidney.

    So, my friend, ensure you take water as much as possible.  Place yourself on water therapy and you’ll have yourself to thank for it.

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