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What is a balanced diet?

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Balance diet has no other meaning than it has, and everyone is entitled to enjoying a balanced diet meal.


1 Answer

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    This sounds elementary, nonetheless, I will try to give it a fair trial.

    A balanced diet, as the name implies, is a meal that contains nutrients that nourishes the body. When consumed they help build the body’s antigens, antibodies and help the body stay strong, which in a nutshell means, they give you a healthy physique. What makes your meal a balanced one is the presence of “calories” Calories are substances present in your food that gives that food the ability to give you energy when you consume them.

    The number of calories in your food is tantamount to the amount of energy that food can provide you with. The body uses calories for everything, from walking, talking, breathing, sleeping, everything there is. Ever wondered why during fast you have little strength to talk or even walk? It is simply because you are low on calories.

    Why is a balanced diet important?

    1. To start with, as earlier said, your organs, tissues, systems need nutrition to properly function. It would be nice of you if you did not starve those little “machine” inside you.
    2. The absence of a nourished organ can lead to its malfunctioning, which invariable, would cause susceptibility to sickness and diseases of every kind. Do you know the number of mosquitos and insect that has bitten you, yet you did not develop malaria or some chronic case? What is responsible for that a well-nourished body.

    How to achieve a balanced diet?

    You really do not need a fortune to achieve a balanced meal. It is way affordable to every class on the income scale. There are some foods that are low in unnecessary fats but rich in vitamins and other minerals. A few of them are:

    1. Fruits: When consumed, some fruits not only nourishes the body with the necessary nutrients, they also help flush the body, smoothen the skin, helps with digestions, and so on. Examples are Oranges, Water Melon, Apples, PawPaw, Banana, the list is endless. Like medical practitioners say “An Apple a day can save you”
    2. Vegetables: They are the primary source of vitamins and minerals. The beauty of vegetables is you can combine them together in your meal. A typical salad meal should be a good combination. Eating vegetables helps human blood in a way that is biological.
    3. Proteins: Like it is said in elementary science, protein helps rebuild the body’s worn-out tissues. It will interest you to know that BeansĀ is not all protein as you know. It contains 60-70% carbohydrate and other minerals including protein. It is therefore advised to cook your beans with proteinous or protein-rich ingredients, like spice if with fish, crayfish, and so on. It is not all about eating just “carbs”, a little blend with protein makes your meal balanced.
    4. Dairy: Dairy is the kind of food gotten from cattle and it is highly rich in Calcium- the bone booster- Vitamin D, and so on. It is advised to, once in a while, take milk or yoghurt to keep strong. They also supply fats to your body.

    So, my friend, ensure you eat a balanced meal today.

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