Samuel Elizabeth
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Why Every Christian Should be a Millionaire?
This post is never designed to shake tables cause I don’t think tables or desks are present on social media platforms, it’s basically written to shake minds. I’ll say I grew up in a vicinity where all I saw around me where the unbelievers making impacts, I read it in magazines, watch it in televisions, hear it on radio programmes, the unrighteous making results and breaking protocols, the infidels setting benchmarks and leaving trails in their path, I hear of top world stars almost everyday when I come up on the media yet I find it difficult to identify one believer being a Super-Star. So, as I grew older, it began to dawn on me that we believers are unaware of the logistics of wealth creation.
Majority of us feel the making of a millionaire is ordained for special people who came to the world with golden spoons in their mouths. We feel those who make it up to the big league in life are those who have material and intellectual substance in them.
Yeah, all these may be right to some extent but I fully embrace the fact that the logic to wealth creation is knowing the principles that rules it. It’s your knowledge of the true nature of the laws of money and the biblical secret of success that makes you attain that height. I remember the bible says, “All gold and silver belongs to God” and I feel as heirs of God, we have a legal right to all his entitlements. In the making of the earth, he told man to manage the earth on his behalf. This means he made us small gods here on earth and gave us dominion over the four corners of the world. So, I see no reason why a Christian should be living from hand to mouth, I don’t get it seeing a bonified Man of God wallow in the gutter of mediocrity. The moment you give your life to Christ, you become a new creature and naturally become regenerated. You possess the qualities of Christ within you and by this you also possess his mindset and are filled with all the packages from heaven. So I feel we should think, act and react like Christ since we have his mind in us. The bible says,”Let your life so shine that others may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven”. So we as Christians are meant to shine our lights so that through the illumination of our light, we might give others the radiation to shine theirs. We are called to shine our light here on earth by being the flag bearer of influence and change towards positivity. God has already given you all the essential requirements you need to make success, the lapse is that we have not taken the courage to go for it and study the biblical principles of success and kingdom wealth creation.  Actually, they’re two basic laws to anyone who’s interested in making Kingdom Success which are;
• The Person of Christ
• The Principle of Christ
* The Person of Christ
This is what most of we believers accept and pay allegiance to. It is the life of God within you. It is the obedience to the King which brings divine peace. And these can only be gotten through salvation and sanctification. It is the one that prepares you for eternity by granting you the fruits of the spirit, the presence of the holy spirit and gives us an heavenly comfort. The person of Christ makes us well assured of our heavenly treasure. It confirms our reward in heaven, it gives us a new life and purges us from our old deceitful habits. The person of Christ is pure, holy and righteous. He cannot behold iniquity in his sight. However, the fact that you are saved and sanctified doesn’t guarantee your success, you have to get the knowledge of Christ’s principles on Money. This is where most Christians miss it, they feel Holiness is the same as Wealth – they’re kingdom principles you need to practically learn.
* The Principle of Christ
These are his rules and laws recorded for wealth and earthly comfort. It is the law of God around you. They’re set of guidelines recorded in the scripture that prepares us on how to live in earth. The principles of Jesus are more centered on the kingdom and it’s the determinant factor of our prosperity on earth.
It’s in this principles, you’ll see the importance of tithing – bringing one tenth of all income to God’s house. It’s in this principle you’ll understand greatness in God’s term. You’ll also understand the concept of money and how it can either make or break you. You’ll see the need for mentorship and leadership training. Actually, even the unbelievers make use of this principle and it works for them so this clarifies that you don’t have to be a believer before you can have the access to this principles. This shows that it is very possible for you to imbibe in Christ’s principle without accepting him as the lord of your life. All you need to do is to understand the way it works. Most people employ this, they implore the principles of Jesus but reject His person while majority of other believers hold on to the person of Christ but ignore His principles. They accept Christ as their Lord and King but are either ignorant or unaware of his principles. However, our success can only be at the mercy of the things we know while our failure will be at the expense of the things we don’t know. What you know nothing about can be a detriment to your success.
I’ll say the main reason why unbelievers make it far in life is that they apply his principles in their day to day life. We Christians have access to both his person and his principles but we limit ourselves only to his assurances and so we never trigger performances. We keep embracing scriptures that makes us act less. We proclaim biblical verses like “Since we were born we have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seeds beg for bread” Yeah, this might be true for those who make fortitude their companion but a righteous man ignorant of the laws of wealth creation in the Kingdom will stay and remain broke, wretched and poor. I’ve seen Ministers called of God loving in the pain of poverty, it’s not that they’re not destined to be successful, but majority are unaware of the knowledge on success systems and financial breakthroughs. Let’s tell each other the truth, heaven help those who help themselves. Prayer alone without purpose, plan and action makes you a burden to God but prayer with planning makes you a co-labourer with him. In this case, you’ll both work for the advancement of your personal life and that of the kingdom. These are all Bible confessions that have conditions attached to them. God cannot bless an idle hand because there’s nothing for the anointing to take place, but when He sees the diligence in your service, he’s definitely going to add significance to it.
He wants to know what you have before sending down the anointing.
And this is the main reason why many of we believers leave the world without making any traceable impact, it’s because we’ve not taken the responsibility for our success. Success only comes to those who knows its relevance. You can’t say just because you’re living right, success should automatically be yours. That’s not it, God wants to see the faithfulness in your side before he can outpour his blessings upon you.
Stop feeling God owe you a blessing that he must automatically pour on you without your emotional consent.
Take charge of your life and embrace both his Person and Principles…
# Bukumi writes


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