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Why suspend Funding for WHO amidst a global Pandemic?!

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1 Answer

  1. Here is my own perception of thw whole brouhaha.

    Dec 2019: Coronavirus in China 14 Jan 2020:WHO says NO human to human spread (despite Taiwan warning)

    31 Jan 2020: Trump bans travel from China

    3 Feb 2020: WHO Chief criticises travel bans from China Today, almost 2 million cases and 126,000 people dead.

    The outbreak started as far back in China in December 2019 China suppressed and silenced whistleblowers. China made journalists disappear. The WHO in collusion with China misled the world that there was no human spread and travel bans were unnecessary.

    There is strong evidence that China lied to the world. Today, President Trump announced US will stop the funding of the World Health Organization while an investigation is conducted to assess the WHO’s role in possible deliberate mismanaging of the Coronavirus outbreak around the world.

    China denied for months in 2003 that it had a serious outbreak of a lethal respiratory disease in its southern cities. That outbreak is known as SARS, for severe acute respiratory syndrome [SARS]. There were over 8,000 cases and 774 people died.

    And you know what would shock you even further: despite all those controversies about his role in Ethiopia, Tedros won the WHO top job ahead of British challenger Dr David Nabarro, because China worked tirelessly to make it happen.

    Now when you consider all the above, How China suppressed whistleblowers, How China and WHO lied there was no human to human spread despite evidence from Taiwan, How WHO deceived the world into thinking Chinese travel bans are unnecessary,

    So rationally, Trump’s decision to stop funding the WHO for now, Look at it this way USA gives the biggest funds to WHO, USA feels WHO has been incompetent on their handling of the Covid19 outbreak, now causing the lives of over 26,000 citizens with over 600,000 cases,

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