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Tosin Olayinka
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Relationship Anxiety is a term used for when someone feels insecure or have doubts about a relationship, either romantic or friendship. As a Nigerian, Many of us experience this, but we don’t know It’s termed this way. We’ve ...Read more

Relationship Anxiety is a term used for when someone feels insecure or have doubts about a relationship, either romantic or friendship.

As a Nigerian, Many of us experience this, but we don’t know It’s termed this way. We’ve seen cases of couples in the mall embarrassing each other just because the guy was looking at another girl while he is with his girl.

It’s totally normal has humans to have doubts or be anxious towards something, but in this case it becomes Persistent, and it could lead to certain problems with both parties involved.

What is the cause of Relationship Anxiety?

1: Low self Esteem: Having issues with your self-worth and value cab affect your relationship. You’ll constantly doubt your partner’s feelings towards you and even want constant reassurance.

2: Over Thinking: Your partner might not like PDA, but you  fancy it, you automatically think they don’t like you, but that is their preference. Overtime, this might make your partner start losing interest in the relationship or even friendship.

3 Waiting for something to wrong: You think things in your relationship are too good to be true, rather than appreciate the love you both have, you’re expecting something bad to happen, so you can finally say “I said it that this was too good to be true” You’re always focusing on the negatives.

4: Wanting to Break Up: You overstretch issues because you’re anxious, your partner did nothing wrong, but you just want to find a reason to call it quit.

5:  Experiences: A bad relationship or someone cheated on you, or you were taken advantage of. These and more can make you triggered and find it hard to trust a new partner or friend.

How to Deal With Relationship Anxiety

1: Talk to a therapist 

2: Let your partner be aware of what you’re going through 

3: Practice mindfulness

4: Communicate properly 

NB: Anxiety relationship is actually normal, you don’t need to feel like an outcast. If you’re willing to admit that you need help and want to be better. You’re good to go. Dealing with Anxiety doesn’t mean you won’t have doubts or worry anymore, but it’ll quiet the constant questioning.

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Tosin Olayinka
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Therapy doesn’t mean you’re MAD, I remember telling someone sometimes ago I have a therapy session, and the first thing he asked was “Are you mad” grinning from ear to ear. Which isn’t true, but you can’t blame him ...Read more

Therapy doesn’t mean you’re MAD, I remember telling someone sometimes ago I have a therapy session, and the first thing he asked was “Are you mad” grinning from ear to ear. Which isn’t true, but you can’t blame him because many don’t have knowledge about how important it is for your mental health to be in shape.

Therapy is simply a process of meeting a Therapist to solve issues you might be facing. Could be behaviors, feelings, relationship or marital issues. It’s for mental health disorders like depression, bipolar, PSTD etc.

Therapy help live a peace and fulfilling life. It doesn’t solve mental issues alone, you could be overwhelmed or going through stress and talk to a therapist. The therapist gets to give solutions on how you can manage these situations. Counselling gives room for a non-judgemental environment, It also helps discover your inner self.

The reasons why Nigerians don’t take therapy serious;

1: Poverty Many Nigerians are trying so hard to live above the poverty line, and they don’t even have money to afford a therapist. It is likely that the rate of mental illness will continue to increase because of the high poverty rate.

2: No proper healthcare system Many Nigerian healthcare practitioners aren’t sensitized about many mental health disorders. They don’t even believe that someone can have mental illness. The mental health Centers are only available for the rich people.

3: Stigmatization In Nigeria, many expect you to snap out of a mental illness or pray. Mental illness makes one lose motivation for anything at all, so snapping out of it doesn’t work. The society is too quick to judge. For instance, there’s someone in your area who dresses shabby  Probably the person has lost touch of herself at that point, but rather than find out what’s going on with her, they start saying “is she mad”.

4: No awareness or sensitization There’s no plan of making people aware of these mental health issues, many don’t even know they have mental illness because they believe it’s stress, and they’ll be fine afterwards. I hope the government pay attention to mental health facilities and improve.

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Tosin Olayinka
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The #BBnaija Season 6 Shine Ya Eye has been amazing so far, and we will be highlighting what has been happening,  from the fights, fashion show, diary sessions etc. But don’t forget to vote for your Favourite housemates here: ...Read more

The #BBnaija Season 6 Shine Ya Eye has been amazing so far, and we will be highlighting what has been happening,  from the fights, fashion show, diary sessions etc.

But don’t forget to vote for your Favourite housemates here: DSTV

[1] Following the nomination, WhiteMoney told the housemates about knowing Pere and Maria were the WILD CARDS but kept mute about it.

[2] here was the usual diary session with Big brother after the nomination, and the housemates told Biggie how they felt about the nomination.

[3] Beatrice and other housemates practiced for the upcoming fashion that was led by Whitemoney.

They also had the chance to talk about general issues like gender roles, careers and relationships.

[4] A confrontation happened, should i call it a confrontation? 😆

Pere woke Maria up from her sleep and requested for them to talk, and confessed how much he likes and have always wanted to tell her, but Maria cut him short by saying “I don’t like you, can I go back to bed” COLD!

Pere stood there and watched as she went away.

According to #BBnaija analytics Whitemoney is one of the most talked housemates, there has been pictures of many moments of him in the house used for meme on Twitter and other Social Media platforms. Has he won hearts? Seems so.

[5] The Fashion task was won by Boma and Jackie. Whitemoney is angry at Maria for wasting food and he seems unhappy 😑 Could he have lost respect for her?

[6] There was an Airtel task and it was won by Team 3 which included

BOMA, TEGA, YERINS, ANGEL, ARIN, WHITEMONEY, SAGA. They were given 1 million naira to share among themselves and also Airtel Mifi for the efforts in completing each task.

[7] Tega is quite pissed after figuring the wildcards identities, she felt betrayed. I’m wondering why too 😑.

[8] The Head of House and Deputy; Boma and Jackie has put the house is in order and they haven’t stepped on Biggie toes so far. Let’s see how far they can maintain peace.

If you missed the first update you can catch up here: The beginning.

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Tosin Olayinka
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Entrepreneurship is fulfilling, yet the work can be tedious, which is why you need what would make your work easier, faster and organized. For instance, you could be in a meeting trying to find a document on your ...Read more

Entrepreneurship is fulfilling, yet the work can be tedious, which is why you need what would make your work easier, faster and organized.

For instance, you could be in a meeting trying to find a document on your laptop, but you just can’t remember where you kept it, that can be frustrating and embarrassing.

Thanks to Tech guys these applications are free and easy to use that you don’t even need a manual to operate it.

I’ll be sharing 5 social media applications you should have in the journey of Entrepreneurship:

1: Zoom:

A lot of times you might be on holidays, and you need to communicate with your employees, and you would prefer to have a video session, this is what Zoom can do for you, and it’s not just for your employees only.

You can have a business meeting with prospective clients, you can host webinars. It’s safe and free.

2: Acuity Scheduling:

I remember having a virtual interview few weeks ago, and I was sent a mail to pick a time and date for the interview, I was surprised and decided to do research and I found this app.

You can use it to set calendar availability to clients, it can allow them to pick time and date suitable for them, it also sends reminders. It’s free too.

3: Canva:

It’s an app you can use to design flyers, headers, banners, poster etc. It’s self-explanatory, very easy to use, and doesn’t consume much data.

4: LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is a professional platform where you can share ideas, showcase your work, build a personal brand and even source for employees.

You can also network and connect with like minds, entrepreneurs like you.

5: Grammarly:

This is an app that can help avoid typos. It’s a writing assistant that can help check spellings, punctuations. It scans your text for common mistakes.

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Tosin Olayinka
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Many small businesses in a few years fold up due to mismanagement of funds, the owner of founder might have little knowledge about finance and can’t afford to get an accountant. Many of them have challenges with ...Read more

Many small businesses in a few years fold up due to mismanagement of funds, the owner of founder might have little knowledge about finance and can’t afford to get an accountant.

Many of them have challenges with the financial aspect of their business. Nevertheless, mistakes do happen, but it’s not the end. We make mistakes  to learn and not repeat it again.

To keep business moving, you need money to cover expenses. Let’s get to it;

1: Don’t mix your personal finance with business finance:

It is important you’ve a separate account for your business as it won’t lead to impulse spending or using the money for something else entirely and promising yourself you’ll return it,  but you don’t end up doing that. 

Resist the urge to join them together, or it’ll create a mess you might find it hard to clean up. Having a business builds credibility and may help in future when you need funds for your business.

2: Gain knowledge on accounting:

You don’t have to study it in a school, you can watch few videos on YouTube, sign up for a class.

Just get the basic knowledge pending the time you’re able to afford an accountant. The better you understand how finance works, the more you get to make smart decisions regards your business.

3: Choose how to keep your financial records:

How do you intend to keep the records of your finances? You can use applications online, you can decide to keep manually (paper records) Which ever you choose, make sure it’s safe and can be retrieved easily in case of unforeseen circumstances.

4: Track your finances often:

Schedule time to check your finances, when you set goals It’s important you take a break and check if you’re on the right path. It could be every end of the week, or every month end, whichever works for you. Choose a time suitable for you.

Finally, managing finance in small businesses is important, if funds are mismanaged it can be dangerous for the business. Keep these useful tips in mind before and after starting a small business.

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In society mental illness is highly stigmatised, but it is especially challenging to talk about relationship counselling in the Black community. Religion takes a prominent place in the Black community – almost half of all Black people are at least ...Read more

In society mental illness is highly stigmatised, but it is especially challenging to talk about relationship counselling in the Black community. Religion takes a prominent place in the Black community – almost half of all Black people are at least once a week in a religious service, according to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study of the Pew Research Center — and community Members are invited to “pray” away their problems or have faith the problems will be rolled away rather than talk to them through therapy.

Minister and seminary professor Monica Coleman told the BeliefNet several years ago that “African American culture tends to be more stigmatic than white culture.”

“There is a lot of white people in Southern California who will refer to seeing a Therapist freely in a normal conversation,” Coleman said. “It doesn’t do the Black people. A therapist can usually be regarded as a symbol of weakness or lack of faith.”

Common African American Counselling Challenges

  • The role that ethnic identities play.

The role of ethnic identity – both the client and the therapist – is an important factor in relationship counselling African-Americans: “What influences the ethnic identity of a person in their presentation is important to consider,” explains psychologist Qua Vaundra Perry. “Therapists may, in one direction or the other, make extreme assumptions. (For example all of the problems are because of racism or racism). One easy way of addressing this is to ask the client to share his or her point of view.”

  • Wanting to be understood

As Mental Health Therapist Shemiah Derrick explained, “relationship counselling experience for African-US citizens was difficult due to stigmas and hesitancy about buy-in links with mental illness. The desire to be understood is one of the major elements of the therapy for African-US people. They want to feel understand, like any other client, to find someone who speaks his language conceptually, and to understand the context without being required to explain it between A and Z. With today’s social and political climate so vulnerable, feeling respected, heard and understood is more critical than ever for therapeutic African American customers.”

  • The false claim of therapists.

Finally, another major challenge for African Americans in relationship counselling is to overcome the therapists’ false pretension that African Americans all react in the same way to treatment. The professional advocate Marquita Garret explains, “African-Americans are not all equal. “Many come from backgrounds with tabuous advice and participation. The experiences and maquilas are different from those of Ethiopians, Nigerians, West Indians, Ghanaians, Southerners, East, Midwest, West Coast, Suburban, Urban, rural and low-income.” It is important for counsellors to understand this, and to understand, more importantly, that not all African Americans follow the same therapy. There needs to be a trusted relationship between counsellors and their client

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Tosin Olayinka
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Single people get stigmatized quite often because they don’t have a partner who sends them romantic cards, or mushy text messages. It’s easy to spot that single colleague at the office from those that are married. Being single can ...Read more

Single people get stigmatized quite often because they don’t have a partner who sends them romantic cards, or mushy text messages. It’s easy to spot that single colleague at the office from those that are married.

Being single can be sad these days, everywhere online you see bridal showers, proposals, booed up pictures, and you crave for a partner.

Many people believe single people are miserable, which isn’t true. The truth is, it’s totally normal to be single. It’s a phase every human must pass through, and it’ll have an effect on you, either positive or negative.

Many even think there must be something wrong with them if they are single, why can’t you just allow that phase shape you into something better. Why not just use that time to work on your Emotional intelligence, Your communication skills etc.

There has been research and I discovered some truth about single people.

1: Single people actually spend more time with their family, friends and loved ones. Unlike married couples who tend to isolate themselves once they start building their own families, even when kids aren’t in the picture.

2: They have more time to develop strong friendship. One of the most amazing thing about being single is spending quality time with your friends. Being single increases your social connection.

3: When it comes to personal life choices,  they tend to decide for themselves. Like what to wear, eat. They can decide to spend days at home with their phones off and not bother about anyone. They think about what matters to them and go for it.

When you’re single, you should enjoy that phase and not be swayed by whatever is going on online. Being single,  isn’t a drawback, it’s about self discovery and finding what makes you thick At the end, happiness comes from within it doesn’t matter if you’re single or married, the most important thing is choosing to be HAPPY no matter the circumstances.

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Tosin Olayinka
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High blood pressure (hypertension) is when the pressure in your arteries is higher than normal. Blood pressure is the force that is pushed against the wall of the arteries. Hypertension can be dangerous because it takes extra effort to ...Read more

High blood pressure (hypertension) is when the pressure in your arteries is higher than normal. Blood pressure is the force that is pushed against the wall of the arteries. Hypertension can be dangerous because it takes extra effort to pump blood from the heart which could cause the hardening of the arteries.

What does blood pressure numbers mean?

It is measured using two numbers:

Systolic is the number up and the rate of the pressure when your heart pumps blood out

Diastolic is the number below and it’s the rate of when your heart rest in between the beats.

It is measured in millimetres of Mercury (mmHg).

The normal blood pressure according to health practitioners is expected to be between  90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg.

If it is increased for too long it can cause several health problems like kidney disease, heart failure, stroke etc.

What causes Hypertension;

Obesity: When the body has accumulated too much fat than normal, obesity is said to occur. When there’s too much fat in the body your heart has to work 2X than usual to pump blood which is putting strain on your arteries.

Stress: When you’re stressed, your body produce some certain hormones that makes your beat faster and your blood vessels become narrowed. Reacting to stress in ways that aren’t healthy increase risk of hypertension.

Too much alcohol intake: Having more than 2-3 bottles of alcohol in hours increases your blood pressure. Alcohol also contains calories that causes weight gain and it stops your body from burning fat.

Genetics: If there has been history of Hypertension in your family, It is best to avoid things that might cause it because you’ve high risk of having it. There’s still no single known gene that plays the major role in this.

Too much salt consumption: Excess sodium and potassium intake in the body contribute to increased blood pressure. Your daily salt intake shouldn’t be more than 5grams.

Contrary to the popular belief thinking doesn’t cause hypertension but going through stress without rest frequently can cause hypertension.

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Tosin Olayinka
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The #BBnaija season 6 started last week 24th of July 2021. It has been trending on quite a lot of social media apps. As usual 22 housemates got the opportunity to be in the big brother Naija ...Read more

The #BBnaija season 6 started last week 24th of July 2021. It has been trending on quite a lot of social media apps. As usual 22 housemates got the opportunity to be in the big brother Naija #Shineyaeye house.

We have 11 females and 11 males respectively from different places in Nigeria in this #BBnaija season 6.

These are the #BBnaija season 6 housemates:

Maria Nini Pere Niyi  Boma Whitemoney Arin Yousef  Tega Saga Angel Princess Emmanuel Peace Jackie B Beatrice Saskay  Boma Cross Yerins Jaypaul Liquorose.

On 26th of july, which was the third day the housemates have been in the house they had their first diary session and they all got the chance to talk about how they perceive the housemates and there was quite a rollercoaster of emotions.

Many haven’t been away from their home in a long time.

Big brother also announced that day about WILD CARDS. Wild cards are fake housemates. They know they are fake housemates but the two do not know each other. Pere and Maria were the WILD CARDS.

The Head of House game took place last week Saturday and the first Head of House in the #BBnaija season 6 was Yousef and he picked Peace as his Deputy.

Another Head of House game took place yesterday and Boma won, he picked Jackie B as his Deputy.

After successfully playing the wildcard game, Pere and Maria have a nomination Edge which gives them the power to nominate 4 persons each.

They were the only ones who nominated on 2nd of August.

Maria mentions Beatrice, Yerins, Jaypaul, WhiteMoney

Pere mentions Beatrice, Yerins, Niyi, WhiteMoney.

Housemates up for possible eviction are : Beatrice Yerins Jaypaul Niyi WhiteMoney.

Boma as HOH has the veto power to save a nominated HM, and replace with another HM not currently nominated. He replaces Yousef to save Jaypaul.

The nominated HM up for possible eviction are : Beatrice Yerins Niyi WhiteMoney Yousef Boma chooses Jackie B as his Deputy Head of House.

After the housemates knew Pere and Maria are the WILD CARDS there has been uproar Who will be going home this weekend?

The game has just began! You can always vote for your Favourite housemates on the DSTV website.

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